Intel Train the Trainer Program

The Center’s Train the Trainer Program offers an instructor certification process for Intel professionals to deliver the Center’s curriculum.

Our train the trainer workshop uses interactive and experiential activities, including role plays, case studies, group discussion, skill practice, assessment instruments, and lectures. The training activities are both individual and team based. Candidates will experience the tools and techniques of the curriculum as they learn how to apply the best practices in their own training delivery situations.

The instructor competencies evaluated in this program include:

  • The ability to maintain energy during presentation
  • The ability to maintain rapport with learners
  • The ability to facilitate program content
  • The ability to maintain appropriate control of the workshop environment including managing time effectively and ensuring student interaction is appropriate and not disruptive to others in the workshop
  • The ability to aid learners in connecting the relevance of the training with their role and responsibilities
  • The use of learning materials in an effective and professional manner
  • Contact Laura Dockery at to discuss the Center’s train the trainer program.