PPA Methodology Toolkits
The Center’s PPA suite of project management toolkits is designed to provide the organization an end to end template solution to support the consistent application of the PPA methodology across the enterprise.
The PPA suite of tools is Excel based and easy to use featuring navigation, template linkage, drop down menus, and contextual notes to reinforce the methodology.
Project Proposal Toolkit
The toolkit facilitates the process of developing a meaningful project proposal containing the necessary information leadership needs to approve or disapprove a project idea.
- Project concept
- Value to business assessment
- Project complexity assessment
- Estimated cost
- Estimated duration
- Project demand management
- ROI calculation
The tool kit produces an executive summary of key project information:
- Strategy link
- Value to business score
- Estimated cost and duration
- Payback horizon
- Window of opportunity
Project Delivery Toolkit
This extensive toolkit contains over 35 templates that facilitate developing key project management outputs created through each of the following PPA stages:
- Pre-Launch stage
- Launch stage
- Execute stage
- Implement stage
- Operations stage

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