Raj Kapur

Raj Kapur is the President of the Center for Project Management, which he joined in 1992.  As a principal

of the Center, Mr. Kapur oversees the day to day operations of the Center, and serves the Center’s CXO and executive customers as a consultant and strategist.

 Mr. Kapur’s consultative activities typically surround crafting the appropriate approach, and managing the execution of, critical business process improvements in the demand, initiative, program and project management domains. As a trusted advisor and counselor to business and technology leaders, Mr. Kapur often counsels executive clients in addressing leadership styles, approaches and challenges surrounding their responsibilities as key stakeholders in their organization’s ability to deliver needed value to the business.

Mr. Kapur also engages client leaders in the implementation of consistent process methodologies, needed technology, and supporting activities necessary for the maturity of their organization.

Mr. Kapur is a founding partner, and active principal of Intellos Systems, Inc. Intellos Systems is a cutting edge, enterprise software firm developing a suite of Project Intelligence tools.

Mr. Kapur also contributes to the project management discipline and industry standards through his appointed role as a member of the international committee for project management certification at CompTIA. CompTIA is the world’s largest, vendor neutral, certification body.

An entrepreneur from the start, with a passion for creative business projects, Mr. Kapur’s experience includes launching, managing and exiting businesses ranging from a corporate wellness services firm to media technology hardware and services provider.

Mr. Kapur graduated from the University of California at Santa Barbara with a degree in Psychology.